
Today we had a Psychological Disorders lesson with my first-year psychology students. The day before our lesson I shared a link with my students about the history of Psychological Disorders, How ancient people saw these illnesses in the past, and how it came to today's version. Also, the web site that I send them to have brief information about some Psychological Disorders. Some videos could be helpful to understand better, and some quizzes that could be fun to try. I just wanted them to take a brief look at the website because there are lots of detailed information there. They also can check it after the lesson and take the quiz to see how well did they get it.


In the class first of all I shared a mentimeter link to make a word cloud and see what we know before the class.    


Not to bore my students I talked about briefly the history of Psychological Disorders and its today's situation. Then, we started to Disorders. 

We conducted our lesson through Mindmap which I prepared in advance. On this map, there are general titles and diseases included in this part. On the other hand, I have placed videos to make the lesson more effective and keep students active. 

After learning of all the diseases, I sent a Sutori link to help my students understand and reinforce it. So we tried to diagnose some of the diseases I gave as examples.

As we all know, medical students have a state of acceptance of ailments and diseases committed and feeling sick, which unfortunately applies to Psychology students. But making a diagnosis on a subject is not as simple as we thought, especially to ourselves. So I wanted to send them a test link, prepared by Mental Health America,  at the end of our lesson so that I could free them from these doubts without causing any stress environment. 

At the end of the lesson, again I shared a mentimeter with them to write if they had any question or something that did no fit, so I could get feedback and improve myself. 


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